We identify a superconducting order featuring spatial pair modulations on the kagome lattice subject to on-site Hubbard 𝑈 and nearest-neighbor 𝑉 interactions. Within our functional renormalization group analysis, this state appears with a concomitant 𝑑-wave superconducting (SC) instability at zero lattice momentum, where it distinguishes itself through intra-unit-cell modulations of the pairing function thus breaking the discrete space group symmetry. The relative weight of the sublattice modulated superconductor (SMS) and 𝑑-wave SC is influenced by the absolute interaction strength and coupling ratio 𝑉/𝑈. Parametrically adjacent to this domain at weak coupling, we find an intra-unit-cell modulated vestigial charge density wave and an 𝑠-wave SC instability. This dataset contains the numerical data shown in Figs. 4 and 5 of Phys. Rev. B 110, 024501. Further information is provided in the contained readme.